Rabu, 05 Desember 2018

5 kesulitan yang dialami ketika berbicara bahasa inggris

Bahasa inggris adalah bahasa internasional. Kita tahu bahwa dalam kehidupan peran bahasa ini sangat penting. Di era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini kita memerlukan kemampuan untuk berbahasa inggris dengan benar. Dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris terkadang kita menemukan beberapa kesulitan seperti berbicara, menterjemahkan, dan mendengarkan. Berikut adalah beberapa kesulitan yang dihadapi ketika berbicara bahasa inggris:

1. Tidak terbiasa dalam berbicara bahasa inggris
Untuk mampu berbicara atau berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris dengan mahir diperlukan kebiasaan untuk berbicara bahasa inggris sesering mungkin.

2. Takut salah mengucapkan karena tidak mengerti grammar dengan benar
Grammar sangatlah penting dalam bahasa inggris, tapi ingatlah bahwa tujuan belajar bahasa inggris bukan untuk menghafalkan grammar. Karena jka kita terlalu fokus pada grammar itu akan menyulitkan kita dalam mengekspresikan apa yang ingin kita katakan, apakah grammarnya benar atau tidak.

3. Tidak percaya diri
Jika kamu ingin memiliki kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris kamu harus meningkatkan kepercayaan diri. Jangan malu dan ragu untuk berbicara. Mungkin awalnya ragu dan takut tapi percaya diri saja karena lama kelamaan pasti akan terbiasa.

4. Kurangnya kosakata dalam bahasa inggris
Ketika kita bicara dalam bahasa inggris lalu kita lupa apa bahasa inggris dari suatu kata itu disitulah kesulitannya. Oleh karena itu, perbanyak membaca kamus, artikel, novel, cerpen, koran atau apapun bacaan dalam bahasa inggris untuk menambah kosakata dalam bahasa inggris.

5. Tidak mempraktekannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
Diperlukan latihan dan praktek secara rutin jika kamu ingin memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam berbicara bahasa inggris, kamu bisa melatihnya dengan melakukan percakapan sehari-hari.

Essay: Save the Earth

Hey, welcome back to my simple blog..blog sederhana yang semoga memberi manfaat. Kali ini saya akan menulis sebuah essay yang bertemakan tentang menjaga lingkungan, karena banyaknya bencana alam yang terjadi di negeri kita ini maka saya  termotivasi untuk menulis ini.

Ways to Protecting the Environment

Environment is everything that around people such as land, water, solar energy, minerals, flora and fauna that grow in the ground or sea that affect the development of human life. The healthy environment means the clean environment and not contaminated, and that is the environment we expect. But various factors to make the environment are not healthy. Such as lack of conscious to throwing garbage in its place, do deforestation, construction of factories, and using the product is unfriendly environment. Then for the achievement of the clean environment needs to be some way or actions that could keep the environment we keep it clean.

First of all, the habit of throwing garbage in its place can should be a concern people to love the cleanness of the environment and exempted of problems caused by junk such as flood.  One of the causes of flooding in various regions is because many garbage that littered thus impeding the flow of water. This is one of the bad behavior seemed to have become culture of Indonesian society, especially in urban areas. Planting trees (reforestation), bare land can cause variety of natural disasters such as flood and landslides. To overcome that, we must make an effort reforestation (replanting of trees). Currently the movement of planting tree in Indonesia was made by the government and society.

Also prohibit deforestation, The bare forest can cause various natural disasters. To minimize this, there must be a ban on forest clearing followed by strict legal action. Applying the selective logging system, not all the logging trees was banned, there is also are allowed. That was usually done by an individual or company who had permission from the authorities. If want to perform the cutting of trees, then it should be applied to selective cutting. And using recycled products, the majority of recycled product made from plastic this much better than plastic throw into the ground. As we know that is difficult to disentangle the plastic in the soil and can damage soil fertility.

In addition terracing, terracing is one way to preserve the natural environment by planting various kinds of trees in areas that have sloping topography. This is to minimize the natural disasters landslide that could happen at any time. Doing plant trees in each house and garden city to reduce air pollution caused by vehicle fumes. And the construction of settlements should pay attention to drainage.

In conclusion, the clean environment is hope for everyone because a clean environment is very good for our health as well. Based on the above ways we can know how to protect the environment. Because the environment is a place for all living things then should we keep for the survival. If from now we are not protecting the environment, what will happen to the environment and our earth later?. Protecting the environment by doing small things can have a great impact in the future.

Kamis, 29 November 2018


Sutradara     :  Corin Hardy
Pemain        :  Bonnie Aarons sebagai Valak, 
                      Taissa Farmiga sebagai Suster Irene, 
                      Charlotte Hope sebagai Suster Victoria, 
                      Demian Bichir sebagai Bapa Burke,
                      Mark Steger sebagai The Duke, 
                      Ingrid Bisu sebagai Suster Oana, 
                      August Maturo sebagai Daniel, 
                      Jonas Bloquet sebagai Frenchie

Durasi         : 1 jam 36 menit

Rilis            : 6 September 2018 (Amerika)

Suster Victoria (Charlotte Hope) dan seniornya, menyusuri lorong menuju pintu bertuliskan “Tuhan Berakhir Di Sini.” Sang senior membuka pintu, mencoba menjinakkan makhluk yang ada di dalamnya. Sang senior tewas. Makhluk itu lantas berbalik mengincar Victoria. Victoria berlari ke ruangan lain, mengikatkan seutas tali di lehernya, lalu terjun ke luar jendela. 

Beberapa minggu kemudian, jasadnya ditemukan salah satu warga Desa Biertan, Frenchie (Jonas Bloquet). Tragedi ini sampai ke telinga pihak Vatikan. Vatikan sebagai poros Katolik dunia mengutus Pastur Burke (Demian Bichir) dan Suster Irene (Taissa Farmiga) mengusut kasus ini. Keduanya dengan bantuan Frenchie, mendatangi Biara St. Carta yang kini dianggap tempat terkutuk.

Siapa yang tidak tahu film The Nun, film yang tayang tahun 2018 ini telah banyak menjadi perbincangan masyarakat. Film ini merupakan lanjutan dari film The Conjuring 2 yang bercerita tentang hantu yang bernama Valak. Dalam The Conjuring 2 Valak telah meneror sebuah keluarga dan ternyata terror Valak memang sudah ada sejak lama. Karena di film The Nun ini saya mengira bahwa film ini akan menceritakan tentang awal mula Valak ketika masih hidup sampai dia meninggal dan menjadi iblis, tapi ternyata saya salah Valak sudah menjadi iblis dalam film The Nun iblis yang berusaha untuk merasuki manusia dan meneror hidup manusia. 

The Nun film bergenre horror yang selalu memiliki kejutan disetiap adegannya, hantu yang selalu datang dari arah tak terduga, permainan kamera yang membuat jumpscare serta tata cahaya yang remang-remang menambah suasana kelam sepanjang film. The Nun disebut juga sebagai cerita horor supranatural yang menggabungkan narasi fiksi, horror, thriller serta sejarah. Selain valak ada tokoh lain yaitu Daniel yang menurut saya konfliknya kurang jelas kenapa dia selalu menyerang Pastur Burke (Demian Bichir). Film yang seharusnya memberikan jawaban tentang Valak namun terasa kurang mendalam.

College Life: what do you imagine?

When you graduated from senior high school you will enter the level of college education. So, what do you think about college life? Is it more fun than school? Is it more difficult than school? Or is life in the campus same as in films….

College is definitely different from school. At school you are educated for discipline, obeying the rules, and still under the responsibility of the teacher. Meanwhile, at the college you have grown up and must be independent in anything without always being assisted by the teacher. When you are in school you have to go to class on time and go home with a specified time, however college isn’t like that if you come late you will not get nagged. You have more free time at the college.

Let me tell you a little bit about my experience to be a college student. Early in college you will surely found new friends, new schedules, new lessons, new environments, all new (and new clothes maybe hehe..). I am studying at Gunadarma University, in the first semester is a semester that is not too heavy even though one week full, but your burden was only the assignment of lecturers. The second to fifth semester your schedule is not too full in a week, but when sixth semester you will face scientific research task it is similar to thesis or it could be said as practiced before making a thesis. Maybe at other campuses there is no this task but Gunadarma is different from the others. Here is, I think the hardest semester because I’m not only doing assignments from lecturers every week, but also have to be diligent in guidance with scientific research advisor. What is the power of student can only accept all of existing tasks.

When I wrote this blog I was in seventh semester. Thank god my scientific research was finished. In the seventh semester my schedule is only three days, but because at the moment I am working as an Assistant Laboratory there is no holiday for me. Unexpectedly, I will go to the eighth semester and face the thesis may everything can go well. Ok…That’s all for me, whatever choices you take you have to go through it, never regret to doing it.

Selasa, 20 November 2018


To do listening exercise. Please open this link audio, listen carefully and answer the question below!


1. When does Neil go shopping?
a. Friday
b. Saturday
c. Sunday
d. Thursday
2. What is the name of the grocery store?
a. Ninety store
b. 99 cent store
c. Center store
d. 99 cent shop
3. How many days does Neil go shopping?
a. Everyday
b. Once a year
c. Once a week
d. One day ago
4. What is sold at Albertson?
a. Milk
b. Vegetables
c. Cake
d. Candy
5. What is the price of 2 gallons of milk now?
a. $ 4.69
b. $ 4.59
c. $ 3.99
d. $ 4.00
6. What is sold at the 99 cent store?
a. Broccoli, celery, eggplant, and squash. Also, packages of peaches, plums, and apples.
b. Milk, soda, green tea
c. Candy bars, chocolate
d. Orange, potato, tomato and garlic
7. What makes Neil angry?
a. The shop is closed
b. Forgot to bring his wallet
c. The items don't exist
d. He always forgot to put one or more items on the list.
8. What is the price of milk before experiencing price increases?
a. $ 4.00
b. $ 3.59
c. $ 6.45
d. $ 3.00
9. Does Neil always make a shopping list before shopping?
a. No, he doesn’t
b. Yes, she did
c. Yes, I do
d. Yes, he does
10. Where is he parked his car?
a. In the carport
b. In the airport
c. In the port
d. In the parking area

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. A

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2018


This time I would like to share my task about Passive Voice. Passive voice is the sentence with the object that the action is performed on. How to formulate the passive voice?
1.      Put the object of the verb at the beginning of the sentence.
2.      Conjugate the verb "to be" in the same tense as the active sentence.
3.      Put the main verb in past participle form (V3).
The formula is:  S + to be + Past Participle form
Passive voice is emphasized rather than its subject. Simply, the subject receives the action of the verb. 
For example: A book was written
The focus in this sentence is on the action of  a book that was written; however, the readers do not know who wrote the book.

Therefore, this is the link on youtube about Passive Voice lesson. Hopefully the video helpful to you. Happy watching  :)..