Sabtu, 27 April 2019


Tugas Softskill

3. KARTINI 13615672
4. LISNA MEI LIANTO 13615849

Source Language Google Translate Analysis
You should stop bad-mouthing your friends. bermulut buruk In the source language idiom “ bad-mouth” means “mengatakan hal yang buruk tentang seseorang” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “bermulut buruk” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
The test was a piece of cake. sepotong kue In the source language idiom “a piece of cake” means “sangat mudah” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “sepotong kue” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
The home robbery is still at large pada umumnya In the source language idiom “at large” means “bebas berkeliaran” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “pada umumnya” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
I can’t join the event. I’m broke. bangkrut In the source language idiom “broke” means “tidak punya uang.” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “bangkrut”. It has same meaning.
I bit off more than he can chew when I worked ten hours a day aku menggigit lebih dari yang bisa dikunyahnya In the source language idiom “bit off more than he can chew ” means “mengambil tanggung jawab melebihi kesanggupan” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “Aku menggigit lebih dari yang bisa dikunyahnya” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
Stay calm Ani! Break a leg!. semoga sukses In the source language idiom “Break a leg” means “Semoga beruntung” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “Semoga sukses”. It has same meaning.
Teachers take an immense commitment to bring up students properly. bawakan In the source language idiom “bring up” means “mendidik” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “bawakan” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
He was bull-headed before married. keras kepala In the source language idiom “bull-headed” means “keras kepala” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “keras kepala”. It has same meaning.
I was fed up with her complaints. muak dengan In the source language idiom “fed up with” means “tidak sabar, lelah pada seseorang atau sesuatu” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “muak dengan” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
He is out of work and has no money. keluar kerja In the source language idiom “out of work” means “menganggur” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “keluar kerja” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
Their village is short of the clean water supply. singkatnya In the source language idiom “short of” means “kekurangan” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “singkatnya” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
I was worn-out after a week of hard work. lusuh In the source language idiom “worn-out ” means “sangat lelah” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “lusuh” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
Don't beat around the bush!, I'm serious bertele-tele In the source language idiom “beat around the bush” means “mengalihkan pembicaraan” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “bertele-tele” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
There is a dog has 10 feet, it's once in a blue moon. sangat jarang In the source language idiom “once in a blue moon” means “suatu kejadian yang jarang ada” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “sangat jarang”. It has same meaning.
Mr. Sumanto always voluntarily gives the poor people a hand. membantu orang miskin In the source language idiom “give someone a hand” means “Memberi bantuan kepada orang lain” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “membantu orang miskin”. It has same meaning.
Tom was very sad when Jerry kicked the bucket. menendang ember In the source language idiom “kicked the bucket” means “meninggal dunia” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “menendang ember” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
I was failed to follow the competition, It was a bitter pill for me to swallow. pil pahit In the source language idiom “a bitter pill” means “Hal buruk yang tidak diharapkan” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “pil pahit” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
The bag you bought is a dime a dozen. sepeser pun/selusin In the source language idiom “a dime a dozen” means “murahan / barang pasaran” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “sepeser pun/selusin” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
That position became an apple of discord between two candidates. sebuah apel perselisihan In the source language idiom “an apple of discord” means “Hal / orang yang menjadi sumber masalah” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “sebuah apel perselisihan” while idiom cannot be translated word by word, it has different meaning.
I was on leave last week.. sedang cuti In the source language idiom “on leave” means “sedang cuti” but, when we translate by Google Translate it is translated word by word that is “sedang cuti”. It has same meaning.


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