Selasa, 15 Januari 2019


Hey welcome back to my simple blog..

Today I would like to share about 10 idioms in English to sound like native speaker or American and British people. American and British people are using many idioms and sometimes it just get confused because they don't make sense if you translate them word to word so you have to know the meaning behind those phrases. And those are the idioms :

1. Bite off more than you can chew means taking up a lot of responsibilities that you can't really handle.

2. Blessing in disguise means something is bad at first sight but it's actually good. For example, imagine that you're not accepted into the university of your dreams, but then in two months you get a job of your dreams which is even better and I think that was a blessing in disguise.

3. Can't judge a book by its cover means don't judge people by the way they look.

4. Give the benefit of the doubt means believing somebody stated without any proof. For example, when you fall in love you tend to believe you're a loved one and you don't look for any proof.

5. Let the cat out of the bag means reveal information that was previously concealed. For example, your friends started dating another friend and he asks you not to tell anybody and you accidentally post a story on your Instagram about them.

6. Miss the boat means miss the chance when you had an opportunity to go somewhere or do something and you just skipped on it, somebody can tell you "oh. You missed the boat".

7. Once in a blue moon means an event that happens really rarely.

8. Take with a grain of salt means not taking something that somebody says too seriously. For example, somebody tells you if you will never get into the university of your dreams in America, take this with a grain of salt because those people not go through your life so don't believe them and just go ahead.

9. Be up in the air means the uncertain or unsure. For example, you thought you might be going to cinema with your friends but it's still up in the air because everyone is still busy with their business. So, you are not sure whether you're going to the cinema.

10. Stab someone in the back means somebody was in your circle like your good friend and then you betrayed him when he was trusting you. This is a bad thing to do stab someone in the back.

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