Jumat, 18 Januari 2019

Pembelajaran Tentang Prosa

Hey welcome back to my simple blog..
Di blog kali ini saya akan menulis tugas kuliah saya tentang salah satu mata kuliah yang saya suka yaitu pengkajian prosa inggris.

Pembelajaran Tentang Prosa

      Ilmu sastra sudah merupakan ilmu yang cukup tua usianya. Ilmu ini sudah berawal pada abad ke-3 SM, yaitu pada saat Aristoteles (384-322 SM) menulis bukunya yang berjudul Poetica yang memuat tentang teori drama tragedi. Istilah poetica sebagai teori ilmu sastra, lambat laun digunakan dengan beberapa istilah lain oleh para teoretikus sastra seperti The Study of Literatur, oleh W.H. Hudson, Theory of Literature Rene Wellek dan Austin Warren, Literary Scholarship Andre Lafavere, serta Literary. Ilmu sastra meliputi ilmu teori sastra, kritik sastra, dan sejarah sastra. Ketiga disiplin ilmu tersebut saling terkait dalam pengkajian karya sastra. Teori sastra ialah cabang ilmu sastra yang mempelajari tentang prinsip-prinsip, hukum, kategori, kriteria karya sastra yang membedakannya dengan yang bukan sastra. Kritik sastra juga bagian dari ilmu sastra. Istilah lain yang digunakan para pengkaji sastra ialah telaah sastra, kajian sastra, analisis sastra, dan penelitian sastra. Sejarah sastra bagian dari ilmu sastra yang mempelajari perkembangan sastra dari waktu ke waktu.
       Jenis-jenis karya sastra antara lain puisi, drama, dan fiksi atau prosa naratif. Puisi dapat dikelompokkan menjadi tiga, yakni puisi epik, puisi lirik, dan puisi dramatik. Drama adalah karya sastra yang mengungkapkan cerita melalui dialog-dialog para tokohnya. Fiksi atau prosa naratif terbagi atas tiga genre, yakni novel atau roman, cerita pendek (cerpen), dan novelet (novel “pendek”). Unsur pembangun prosa terdiri dari unsur intrinsik dan unsur ekstrinsik. Unsur intrinsik terdiri dari alur cerita (plot), tema, latar, penokohan, sudut pandang, amanat serta gaya bahasa yang digunakan oleh pengarang. Sedangkan unsur ekstrinsik adalah unsur yang berasal dari luar aspek sastra, terdiri dari latar belakang pengarang, nilai- nilai dalam cerita, serta situasi sosial yang diciptakan pengarang.
        Beberapa jenis dari prosa terdapat prosa lama dan prosa baru. Prosa lama adalah prosa yang belum dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan dari barat, contohnya seperti hikayat, sejarah (legenda), kisah, mitos. Prosa baru adalah prosa yang sudah dipengaruhi oleh budaya barat, contohnya seperti roman, novel, cerita pendek, biografi, resensi, esai. Contoh prosa dalam bahasa inggris seperti novel karya Shakespeare yaitu Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, King Lear, Othello dan yang lainnya. Serta cerita pendek seperti A Rose for Emily karya William Faulkner, The Necklace karya Guy de Maupassant, The Black Cat karya Edgar Allan Poe dan lain-lain.
       Mempelajari ilmu sastra seperti contohnya karya sastra tersebut dapat kita artikan sebagai bentuk apresiasi kita terhadap sebuah karya sastra. Tidak hanya sekedar membaca prosa-prosa seperti novel ataupun cerpen tetapi memahami dan mampu menelaah berbagai unsurnya




Pengertian CALL

Computer Assisted Language Learning atau biasa disingkat CALL adalah penerapan pengajaran/pembelajaran bahasa dengan bantuan komputer. CALL pertama kali ditemukan pada tahun 1960-an yang berbasis mainframe dan praktik materi, khususnya yang berdasar pasa system Universitas Illinois’ PLATO. Kemudian CALL mulai menyebar di beberapa universitas dari computer kecil menjadi system pendidikan diawal tahun 1980-an. Tetapi CALL pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh Levy pada tahun 1997 dengan tujuan membagi computer berdasarkan peranan fungsinya, yakni sebagai guru dan sebagai alat. Contohnya sebuah program Flashcard atau seperangkat latihan tata bahasa online lainnya yang sebagai alat juga akan mewakili dirinya sebagai guru karena memang kompuer dalam beberapa cara memiliki fungsi mengajar.

Penerapan CALL di Indonesia

Bagaimana bisa CALL digunakan untuk Bahasa Inggris belajar dan mengajar di Indonesia? Sedikitnya tiga penggunaan dasar dari Internet yang dapat digunakan di kelas Indonesia di hari mendatang ditawarkan, yakni: Email dan mailing list, newsgroup dan World Wide Web (Carrier, 1997). Penggunaan E-mail dalam pengajaran bahasa direkomendasikan oleh Mark Warschauer (1995), selama memperhatikan tiga pertimbangan utama sebagai berikut: Pertama, E-mail menyediakan para siswa suatu kesempatan sempurna untuk komunikasi secara riil, alami. Kedua, E-mail menugaskan para siswa untuk melakukan secara mandiri. Ketiga, penggunaan E-mail memperkaya pengalaman kita sebagai guru dan mengijinkan kita untuk berbagi gagasan, sumber daya, dan bahan-bahan yang baru. Menggunakan Internet untuk mengajar bahasa di sekolah Indonesia, meskipun masih belum realistis untuk sementara waktu dalam kaitan dengan yang terbatasnya pembiayaan dari pemerintah dan institusi/lembaga pendidikan itu sendiri, mungkin lambat laun dapat direalisir di masa mendatang. Hal ini sangat diharapkan sebab penggunaan Internet dalam pembelajaran bahasa akan memberi manfaat banyak orang. Itu akan, sebagai contoh, meningkatkan minat belajar siswa, seperti ketika siswa berkesempatan untuk mengoperasikan sendiri teknologi terbaru yang pada hakekatnya menarik bagi para remaja se usia siswa-siswa itu. Ini adalah penting seperti Lambert dan Gardner (yang dikutip di Cook, 1991) yang menyatakan bahwa motivasi intrinsik memainkan peran yang penting dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar. Karena ini juga sangat menolong bagi para guru bahasa dalam membuka peluang untuk menciptakan aktivitas belajar dan mengajar dengan secara lebih efisien. Di samping, akan juga memperkaya pengetahuan guru dan bisa mengilhami mereka dengan banyak gagasan yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan strategi dan gaya mengajar mereka.


http://neniajidibya.blogspot.com/2013/08/computer-assisted-language-learning.html?m=1 http://balitbangdiklat.kemenag.go.id/posting/read/673-postingreadmungkinkah-call-computer-assisted-language-learning-digunakan-untuk-kegiatan-belajar-mengajar-bahasa-inggris-di-indonesia

Selasa, 15 Januari 2019


Hey welcome back to my simple blog..

Today I would like to share about 10 idioms in English to sound like native speaker or American and British people. American and British people are using many idioms and sometimes it just get confused because they don't make sense if you translate them word to word so you have to know the meaning behind those phrases. And those are the idioms :

1. Bite off more than you can chew means taking up a lot of responsibilities that you can't really handle.

2. Blessing in disguise means something is bad at first sight but it's actually good. For example, imagine that you're not accepted into the university of your dreams, but then in two months you get a job of your dreams which is even better and I think that was a blessing in disguise.

3. Can't judge a book by its cover means don't judge people by the way they look.

4. Give the benefit of the doubt means believing somebody stated without any proof. For example, when you fall in love you tend to believe you're a loved one and you don't look for any proof.

5. Let the cat out of the bag means reveal information that was previously concealed. For example, your friends started dating another friend and he asks you not to tell anybody and you accidentally post a story on your Instagram about them.

6. Miss the boat means miss the chance when you had an opportunity to go somewhere or do something and you just skipped on it, somebody can tell you "oh. You missed the boat".

7. Once in a blue moon means an event that happens really rarely.

8. Take with a grain of salt means not taking something that somebody says too seriously. For example, somebody tells you if you will never get into the university of your dreams in America, take this with a grain of salt because those people not go through your life so don't believe them and just go ahead.

9. Be up in the air means the uncertain or unsure. For example, you thought you might be going to cinema with your friends but it's still up in the air because everyone is still busy with their business. So, you are not sure whether you're going to the cinema.

10. Stab someone in the back means somebody was in your circle like your good friend and then you betrayed him when he was trusting you. This is a bad thing to do stab someone in the back.

Kamis, 10 Januari 2019


A. Definition of Family

     In the context of human society, a family (from Latin: familia) is a group of people related either by consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by marriage or other relationship), or co-residence (as implied by the etymology of the English word "family" from Latin familia 'family servants, domestics collectively, the servants in a household,' thus also 'members of a household, the estate, property; the household, including relatives and servants,' abstract noun formed from famulus 'servant, slave or some combination of these. Members of the immediate family may include spouses, parents, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters. Members of the extended family may include grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and siblings-in-law. Sometimes these are also considered members of the immediate family, depending on an individual's specific relationship with them. 

     In most societies, the family is the principal institution for the socialization of children. As the basic unit for raising children, anthropologists generally classify most family organizations as matrifocal (a mother and her children); conjugal (a wife, her husband, and children, also called the nuclear family); avuncular (for example, a grandparent, a brother, his sister, and her children); or extended(parents and children co-reside with other members of one parent's family). Sexual relations among the members are regulated by rules concerning incest such as the incest taboo.

B. Families and Household in the UK: 2016

     In 2016 there were 18.9 million families in the UK. There were 12.7 million married or civil partner couple families in the UK in 2016. This was the most common type of family. Cohabiting couple families were the fastest growing family type between 1996 and 2016, more than doubling from 1.5 million families to 3.3 million families. In 2016, around 25% of young adults aged 20 to 34 were living with their parents, increasing from 21% in 1996, around 7.7 million people lived alone in the UK, the majority were women.

C. Types of Family in UK

There are four types of family in United Kingdom:
1. Nuclear Family
Nuclear Family is also known as the “cereal packet” family. This is the family is the one family which consists of a biological mother, father and their child/children. It has two generation of family members living together, which is the mother and the father and the second generation would be their children’s.
2. Reconstituted Family
Reconstituted Family is the one which is often referred to a ‘step family”. This type of this family is still consists as a family with children’s although one of the parents may be a social parents, meaning might not be their biological parents. This might usually happens if one of their parents died or due to the separation or divorce.
3. Lone Parents
Lone Parent (single parent) is a parent, not living with a spouse or partner that has responsibilities in raising the child or children. Historically, death of a partner was major cause of single parenting. Single parenting can result from separation, death, child abuse/neglect or divorce of a couple with children.
4. Extended Family
Extended Family is which contains relative beyond the nuclear power family. In many cultures such as in those of many of the Asians, Africans, Eastern Europeans, extended families are the basic family unit. These families include in one household, near relatives in addition to an immediate family. A group of relatives, such as those of three generations living together.

D. Changing Values and Norms of the British Family 

     The family in Britain is changing. The once typical British family headed by two parents has undergone substantial changes during the twentieth century. In particular there has been a rise in the number of single-person households, which increased from 18 to 29 per cent of all households between 1971 and 2002. By the year 2020, it is estimated that there will be more single people than married people. Fifty years ago this would have been socially unacceptable in Britain.

     In the past, people got married and stayed married. Divorce was very difficult, expensive and took a long time. Today, people's views on marriage are changing. Many couples, mostly in their twenties or thirties, live together (cohabit) without getting married. Only about 60% of these couples will eventually get married. People married before they had children, but now about 40% of children in Britain are born to unmarried (cohabiting) parents. In 2000, around a quarter of unmarried people between the ages of 16 and 59 were cohabiting in Great Britain. Cohabiting couples are also starting families without first being married. Before 1960 this was very unusual, but in 2001 around 23 per cent of births in the UK were to cohabiting couples.
People are generally getting married at a later age now and many women do not want to have children immediately. They prefer to concentrate on their jobs and put off having a baby until late thirties. The number of single-parent families is increasing. This is mainly due to more marriages ending in divorce, but some women are also choosing to have children as lone parents without being married.

E. British Royal Family

     A family is a married, civil partnered or cohabiting couple with or without children, or a lone parent, with at least one child, who live at the same address. Children may be dependent or non-dependent. Dependent children are those aged under 16 living with at least one parent, or aged 16 to 18 in full-time education, excluding all children who have a spouse, partner or child living in the household.
A household is one person living alone, or a group of people (not necessarily related) living at the same address who share cooking facilities and share a living room, sitting room or dining area. A household can consist of more than one family, or no families in the case of a group of unrelated people.
     The British royal family comprises Queen Elizabeth II and her close relations. There is no strict legal or formal definition of who is or is not a member of the British royal family. Those who at the time are entitled to the style His or Her Royal Highness (HRH), and any styled His or Her Majesty (HM), are normally considered members, including those so styled before the beginning of the current monarch's reign. By this criterion, a list of the current royal family will usually include the monarch, the children and male-line grandchildren of the monarch and previous monarchs, the children of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales, and all their current or widowed spouses.
    Some members of the royal family have official residences named as the places from which announcements are made in the Court Circular about official engagements they have carried out. The state duties and staff of some members of the royal family are funded from a parliamentary annuity, the amount of which is fully refunded by the Queen to the Treasury.
     Since 1917, when King George V changed the name of the royal house from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, members of the royal family belong, either by birth or by marriage, to the House of Windsor. Senior titled members of the royal family do not usually use a surname, although since 1960 Mountbatten-Windsor, incorporating Prince Philip's adopted surname of Mountbatten, has been prescribed as a surname for Elizabeth II's direct descendants who do not have royal styles and titles, and it has sometimes been used when required for those who do have such titles. The royal family are regarded as British cultural icons, with young adults from abroad naming the family among a group of people that they most associated with UK culture.
This is a list of members of the royal family :
1. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh (the monarch and her husband)
2. The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall (the Queen's son and daughter-in-law)
3. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (the Queen's grandson and grand daughter-in-law)
4. Prince George of Cambridge (the Queen's great-grandson)
5. Princess Charlotte of Cambridge (the Queen's great-grand daughter)
6. Prince Louis of Cambridge (the Queen's great-grandson)
7. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (the Queen's grandson and grand daughter-in-law)
8. The Princess Royal (the Queen's daughter)
9. The Duke of York (the Queen's son)
10. Princess Beatrice of York (the Queen's grand daughter)
11. Princess Eugenie (the Queen's granddaughter)
12. The Earl and Countess of Wessex (the Queen's son and daughter-in-law)
13. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester (the Queen's cousin and cousin-in-law)
14. The Duke and Duchess of Kent (the Queen's cousin and cousin-in-law)
15. Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy (the Queen's cousin)
16. Prince and Princess Michael of Kent (the Queen's cousin and cousin-in-law)




 A Rose for Emily is a short story by American author William Faulkner, first published in the April 30, 1930. The story takes place in Faulkner's fictional city, Jefferson, Mississippi. The theme of this story is love someone too much until willing to commit murder to fulfill her desires.


Emily Grierson is a mysterious figure who changes from a vibrant and hopeful young girl to a cloistered and secretive old woman.
Homer Barron is A foreman from the North. Homer is a large man with a dark complexion, a booming voice, and light-colored eyes.
Judge Stevens is A mayor of Jefferson. Eighty years old, Judge Stevens attempts to delicately handle the complaints about the smell emanating from the Grierson property. 
Mr. Grierson is Emily’s father. Mr. Grierson is a controlling,
Tobe is Emily’s servant. Tobe is the only lifeline that Emily has to the outside world. For years, he dutifully cares for her and tends to her needs.
Colonel Sartoris is A former mayor of Jefferson. Colonel Sartoris absolves Emily of any tax burden after the death of her father. 
Old Lady Wyatt is Emily’s great-aunt, had gone completely crazy at last, believed that the Griersons held themselves a little too high for what they really were.
The Cousins is Emily's extended relatives from Alabama.

Point of view

This story is narrated through a third person’s point of view. It appears that the narrator is on the outside looking in, and giving his or her version of the life and events leading to the death of Emily.


A Rose for Emily used back and forth plot. In the first and last story are the present time, and in the middle of the story  are flashbacks to various points in time. 

Exposition: The people attending to Emily’s funeral and looking inside of her house. Then, it comes to this strange little story about taxes.
Rising Action: After the death of her father Emily refused for her father to be buried and Emily even kept her father’s body for three days. One day she met Homer Barron, and they dated. Then Emily bought poison when Homer visited Emily’s house after that, his presence never heard again. And there was a bad smell around her house.
Climax: Townspeople assumed that Homer went out of town and left Emily. So, Emily never left her house for many years and she only accompanied by her servant until she died.
Falling Action: after the funeral of Emily, townspeople go to Emily’s house to see the inside of her house.
Resolution: After her house was examined there was one room decorated with bridal clothes and seems like bridal room. And on the bed lay a dead man.


Setting of place in the short story are in Emily’s house, Funeral, and Jefferson town. Therefore setting of time are at Midnight, in the Summer, and Sunday afternoon.


In general, roses often symbolize love and honor but are also used in funerals
The rose in the title of the story could symbolize both love and morbid tragedy
The “rose for Emily” could be Homer & the vision of marriage she has with him (love)
The “rose for Emily” could be the tragedy of killing him to keep him with her forever (“funeral”)